Poster: Location Privacy in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
Key: MBS19-1
Author: Tobias Meuser, Daniel Bischoff, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: June 2019
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: ACM
Book title: Proceedings of The 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS ’19)
Abstract: Vehicle exchange Floating Car Data (FCD) to increase their awareness beyond their local perception. For this purpose, the context-sensitive FCD is commonly distributed using the cellular network. To receive FCD via the cellular network, the vehicles share their current context (often location) with a backend. This permanent and accurate observation of the vehicle’s context interferes with the privacy of the occupants. In this work, we use obfuscation to protect the location privacy of the occupants. For this purpose, we adopt the precision of the context monitoring of the vehicle to the privacy needs of the occupants. As unnecessary FCD is transmitted to the vehicle, this imprecision reduces the share of useful FCD, which might lead to additional bandwidth consumption. We compensate for this additional consumption by filtering FCD with low impact for the vehicle and simultaneously relying on less-privacy-aware vehicles to provide FCD via local communication channels like Wifi.
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