Benchmarking Decentralized Monitoring Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Key: SGS+12-1
Author: Dominik Stingl, Christian Groß, Karsten Saller, Sebastian Kaune, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: April 2012
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: ACM
Book title: Proceedings of the third joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on Performance Engineering
Keywords: Benchmarking, Performance Comparison, Decentralized Mon- itoring Mechanisms, Peer-to-Peer Systems
Abstract: Decentralized monitoring mechanisms enable obtaining a global view on different attributes and the state of Peer-to-Peer systems. Therefore, such mechanisms are essential for managing and optimizing Peer-to-Peer systems. Nonetheless, when deciding on an appropriate mechanism, system designers are faced with a major challenge. Comparing different existing monitoring mechanisms is complex because evaluation methodologies differ widely. To overcome this challenge and to achieve a fair evaluation and comparison, we present a set of dedicated benchmarks for monitoring mechanisms. These benchmarks evaluate relevant functional and non-functional requirements of monitoring mechanisms using appropriate workloads and metrics. We demonstrate the feasibility and expressiveness of our benchmarks by evaluating and comparing three different monitoring mechanisms and highlighting their performance and overhead.
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