Multi-Strategy Simulation of Aerial Post-Disaster Ad Hoc Communication Support Systems
Key: ZLS19-1
Author: Julian Zobel, Patrick Lieser, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2019
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Demonstrations of the 44th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN Demonstrations)
Abstract: In case of destroyed or impaired infrastructure due to natural catastrophes, mobile devices such as smartphones can be used to create civilian ad hoc networks to provide basic means of communication. Due to the human behavior to form groups and cluster around significant locations in such situations, however, the network is often heavily intermittent, and thus, communication between clusters is impossible. Aerial Post-Disaster Ad Hoc Communication Support Systems can overcome the gaps between clusters, but the performance is highly dependent on factors like the applied strategy, the amount of UAVs, or their technical specifications. In this demonstration, we present different support strategies in an urban post-disaster scenario. Attendees can interact and select strategies and explore different strategy parameter settings, while observing the effect on the network performance and, additionally, gaining a comprehensive insight into the strategy behavior. The interaction with the demonstration underlines the vast amount of different settings and influence factors, an aerial system operator must take into account when selecting and adapting a strategy suitable for the current situation, as motivated in our accompanying main conference pape [ZLD+19].

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