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ProbSense.KOM: A Probabilistic Sensing Approach for Gathering Vehicular Sensed Data | |
Key: | BMLB16-1 |
Author: | Daniel Burgstahler, Tobias Meuser, Ulrich Lampe, Doreen Böhnstedt and Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | June 2016 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | IEEE Computer Society |
Book title: | IEEE 5th International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2016) |
Abstract: | Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) improve safety, energy efficiency and driver comfort. Such systems are commonly based on sensor data; however, sensor range is physi- cally limited. A way to extend the sensing range is to share sensor reading with others, i.e., vehicles and infrastructure services. Since direct vehicle communication is not widely deployed and vehicles are often not driving in direct communication range, communication has to be realized via cellular networks. Due to high costs for cellular communication, the transmission of sensed data has to be efficient and the amount of transmitted data must be minimized. As possible solution, we introduce a concept of probabilistic data transmission for vehicular sensed data. The system divides the map into geographic cells, and a probabilistic model is managed for each geographic cell individually. We are able to achieve a reduction in data transmission volume of of up to 50 % in comparison to opportunistic approaches. |
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