[FSBS98-1] Stephan Fischer, Achim Steinacker, Reinhard Bertram, Ralf Steinmetz:
Open Security. Springer Verlag, March 1998, ISBN 3-540646-54-X.
[VL98-1] My Linh Vuong:
Entwicklung eines ORACLE/JAVA-Clients zur Benutzerunterstützung bei der Interaktion mit Geo-Metadatenbanken im WWW. January 1998.
[GaK98-1] Stefan Göbel and Karen Lutze:
Development of Meta Databases for Geospatial Data in the WWW. In: ACM-GIS '98. Proceedings, January 1998.
[GaaC98-1] Stefan Göbel, Karen Lutze and Christine Giger:
InGeoForum - Information and Co-operation Forum for Geospatial Data. In: Earth Observation & Geo-Spatial Web and Internet Workshop '98, January 1998.
[Göb98-1] Stefan Göbel:
WebVizard: Intelligent System for Geodata Visualization and CBT in WWW. In: Computer Graphics International '98. Proceedings, p. 113-122, January 1998.
[JD98-4] Jana Dittmann, Frank Nack, Arnd Steinmetz, Ralf Steinmetz:
Interactive Watermarking Environments. In: IEEE Multimedia Systems Conference Proceedings, Austin, Texas, p. 286--294, January 1998.
[JD98-3] Jana Dittmann, Mark Stabenau, Ralf Steinmetz:
Robust MPEG Video Copyright Protection Technology. In: FIP TC 11, 14th international conference on Information Security (SEC '98), Austrian Computer Society, Vienna, p. 24--33, ACM, January 1998.
[JD98-2] Jana Dittmann, Mark Stabenau, Ralf Steinmetz:
Robust MPEG Video Watermarking Technologies. In: 6th ACM International Mutlimedia Conference, Bristol, England, p. 71--80, January 1998.
[MW98-2] Martin Wessner, Ralf Steinmetz:
Multimediales Lernen. In: TR-KOM-98-2, January 1998.
[ES98-1] Wolfgang Effelsberg, Ralf Steinmetz:
Video Compression Techniques. dpunkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, January 1998.
[WS98-1] Lars C. Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz:
Concepts for Resource Reservation in Advance. In: Multimedia Technologies and Applications for the 21st Century Visions of World Experts, Chapter 9, p. 217--239, Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 1998, ISBN ISBN 0-7923-8074-6.
[ibach98fault] P. Ibach:
Fault Tolerance and Real Time through Duplication Based Dynamic Load Sharing. In: Proceedings of the ISCA, Parallel and Distributed Computing, , , p. , , December 1998, ISBN , ISSN .
[Wol98-1] Lars C. Wolf:
Resource Management in Multimedia Systems, Chapter 41. In: Handbook of Multimedia Computing, p. 891--912, CRC Press, December 1998.
[Wol97-2] Lars Wolf:
Bericht zum Fourth International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS’97). In: Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), Band 20, Nr. 4, p. 245--246, December 1997.
[Wol97-1] Lars Wolf:
Bericht zum Fourth International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS'97). In: Informatik Spektrum, Band 20, Nr. 6, p. 386-387, December 1997.
[TK97-1] Thomas Kunkelmann, R. Reinema, Ralf Steinmetz, Thomas Blecher:
Evaluation of Different Video Encryption Methods for a Secure Multimedia Conferencing Gateway. In: 4th COST-237 Workshop, Lisboa, Portugal, p. 75--89, Springer Verlag LNCS 1356, December 1997.
[OLKC97-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Hak-Yeong Kim, D.H. Chi:
QoS-based Session and Resource Management in Retrieval Multimedia Services. In: Proc. of the 1st Conference of Next Generation Communication Software (NCS'97), p. 177--181, December 1997.
[WGS97-1] Lars C. Wolf, Carsten Griwodz, Ralf Steinmetz:
Multimedia Communication. In: Proceedings of the IEEE, 12, p. 1915--1933, December 1997.
[BS97-1] Reinhard Bertram, Ralf Steinmetz:
Varying Audio Quality for Networked Multimedia Services and Tools. In: SMPTE Journal, 12, p. 872--880, December 1997.
Giwon On, Chung Hoon Kim, Dong Hae Chi:
Application QoS Management for Retrieval Mutimedia Services. In: Proceedings of the 10th KIPS Joint Conference of High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Technologies, p. 94-98, November 1997.
[GBW97-1] Carsten Griwodz, Michael Bär, Lars C. Wolf:
Long-term Movie Popularity in Video-on-Demand Systems. In: Proc. of ACM Multimedia'97, p. 349--357, November 1997.
[OLHC97-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong, Dong-Hae Chi:
A Scheme for Building Visual Debugging Environment with Dynamic Debugging Method for Parallel Systems. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Number 1277 (PaCT-97), p. 241-246, Springer-Verlag, September 1997.
[BHS+97-1] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jürgen Hesser, Jens Schmitt, Reinhard Männer, Andreas Schulz, Jürgen Wolfrum:
Search for Native Conformations of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE EUROMICRO Conference (Workshop on Computational Intelligence), Budapest, Hungary, p. 624--630, IEEE, September 1997.
[SW97-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Lars Christian Wolf (Eds.):
Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (Proceedings of the IDMS'97 Workshop). Springer; Heidelberg, September 1997.
Carsten Griwodz, Michael Liepert, The Hynode Consortium:
Personalised News on Demand: The HyNoDe Server. In: Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS'97), Lecture Notes In Computer Science, p. 241--250, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, September 1997.
[Fis97-1] Stephan Fischer:
Indikatorenkombination zur Inhaltsanalyse digitaler Filme. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, July 1997, ISBN ISBN 3-826529-7-66.
[KS97-1] Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz:
An Approach to Pricing of Connectionless Network Services. In: Management of Multimedia Networks and Services - MMNS'97, p. 219--230, Chapman & Hall, July 1997, ISBN ISBN 0-412-82630-5.
Reinhard Bertram, Ralf Steinmetz:
Scalability of Audio Quality for Networked Multimedia Environments. In: Proceedings of ICMCS'97, IEEE, June 1997.
[SWS+97-1] Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Gunter Weiss, Heiko Straulino, Utz Roedig, Ralf Steinmetz:
Erfahrungen in der kooperativen Java-Entwicklung: Ein Praxisbericht. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Java in Telecommunications May 1997, Darmstadt, Germany, May 1997.
Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Markus Schumacher, Christian Herzog, Olav Groehn, Pascal Ilboudo, Ralf Steinmetz:
Java in der interaktiven Lehre. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Java in Telecommunications May 1997, May 1997.
[SW97-2] Ralf Steinmetz, Lars C. Wolf:
Quality of Service: Where are We?. In: Proceedings of the IFIP Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS`97), New York, NY, USA, May 1997.
[WS97-1] Lars Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz:
Concepts for Resource Reservation in Advance. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 3, p. 255--278, May 1997.
Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf:
Quality of Service - An Overview. In: TR-KOM-1997-01, April 1997.
[OLHC97-2] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong, Dong Hae Chi:
Visual Debugging with a Textual/Graphical View Mapper for Parallel Programs. In: Proceedings of International Joint Conference of Information Sciences, p. 219-222, March 1997.
Giwon On, Dong Hae Chi, Seok Han Yoon:
An Integrated Dynamic and Visual Debugging for Parallel Applications. In: Parallel Computing: Fudamentals, Applications and New Directions, Elsevier Science B.V. The Netherlands, February 1997.
[Fis97-2] Stephan Fischer:
Image segmentation by water-inflow. In: Proceedings of WSCG97, The Fifth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization, p. 43--53, WSCG, February 1997.
[Göb97-1] Stefan Göbel:
Entwicklung eines JAVA-Clients zur Benutzerunterstuetzung bei der Visualisierung von Geodaten im WWW. January 1997.
[LOHC96-1] Bum-Sik Lee, Giwon On, Chul-Hee Hong, Dong Hae Chi:
ParaDebug: A Parallel Visual Debugger. In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, p. 11-20, December 1996.
[ME96-1] Michael Ehrmantraut, Theo Härder, Hartmut Wittig, Ralf Steinmetz:
The Personal Electronic Program Guide - Towards the Pre-selection of Individual TV Programs. In: Fifth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Maryland, USA, November 1996.
[OHLC96-1] Giwon On, Chul-Hee Hong, Bum-Sik Lee, Dong Hae Chi:
Visual Debugging for Distributed and Parallel Programs. In: Proceedings of INFORNOR'96, p. 97-103, November 1996.
[FPE96-1] Stephan Fischer, Silvia Pfeiffer, Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Automatic audio content analysis. In: Proceedings of Fourth ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Boston, USA, p. 21--30, November 1996.
[Fis96-1] Stephan Fischer:
Automatic violence detection in digital movies. In: SPIE Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems, Proc. SPIE 2916-22, p. 212--223, November 1996.
[BSS+96-1] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jens Schmitt, Markus Sauer, Stefan Siebert, Jürgen Hesser, Reinhard Männer, Jürgen Wolfrum:
Finding the Conformation of Organic Molecules with Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IV, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Berlin, Germany, p. 972--981, Springer LNCS 1141, October 1996, ISBN ISBN 3-540-61723-X.
[BHS+96-1] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jürgen Hesser, Jens Schmitt, Andreas Schulz, Reinhard Männer, Jürgen Wolfrum:
Search for Conformation of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB'96), Leipzig, Germany, p. 165--167, Springer LNCS 1278, October 1996, ISBN ISBN 3-540-63370-7.
[KR96-1] K. Ravindran, Ralf Steinmetz:
Object-Oriented Communication Structures for Multimedia Data Transport. In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 7/96, p. 1360--1375, September 1996.
[VHK+96-1] Ronny Vogel, Ralf G. Herrtwich, Winfried Kalfa, Hartmut Wittig, Lars C. Wolf:
QoS-Based Routing of Multimedia Streams in Computer Networks. In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 7, p. 1235--1244, September 1996.
[BS96-1] Reinhard Bertram, Ralf Steinmetz:
Varying Audio Quality for Networked Multimedia Services and Tools. In: The 1996 European SMPTE Conference on Imaging Media, Cologne, Germany, p. 131--142, September 1996.
[HOLC96-1] Chul-Hee Hong, Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Dong Hae Chi:
Replay for Debugging MPI Parallel Programs. In: Proceedings of the 2nd MPI Developer's Conference, p. 156-160, July 1996.
[PLFE96-1] Silvia Pfeiffer, Rainer Lienhart, Stephan Fischer, Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Abstracting Digital Movies Automatically. In: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 4, p. 345--353, July 1996.
[OLH+96-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong, Dong Hae Chi, Ki-Uk Lim:
Debugging Parallel Programs. In: Korea Information Science Society Review, 6, p. 63-72, June 1996.
[AT96-2] Ralf Ackermann, Holger Trapp:
Sicherheitslücken im NIS und eine mögliche kryptographische Gegenmaßnahme. In: Offene Systeme, 2, May 1996.
[BKS96-1] Peter A. Buhr, Martin Karsten, Jun Shih:
KDB: A Multi-threaded Debugger for Multi-threaded Applications. In: ACM SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools, p. 80--87, ACM Press, May 1996, ISBN ISBN 0-89791-846-0.
[OL96-1] Giwon On, Chul-Hee Hong Bum-Sik Lee:
Textual/Graphical Mapping-based User Interface for the Graphical Parallel Debugger ParaDebug. In: Proceedings of the 5th KIPS Spring Conference, 1, p. 150-155, April 1996.
[AT96-1] Ralf Ackermann, Holger Trapp:
Vertrauen ist gut - Internet-Kommunikation komplett verschlüsseln. In: iX, 4, April 1996.
[VW96-1] Carsten Vogt, Lars C. Wolf:
Betriebssystemunterstützung für Multimediaanwendungen. In: Themenheft Betriebssysteme, it+ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 2, p. 33--39, April 1996.
[WBV96-1] Lars C. Wolf, Wolfgang Burke, Carsten Vogt:
Evaluation of a CPU Scheduling Mechanism for Multimedia Systems. In: Software Practice and Experience, 4, p. 375--398, April 1996.
[AT96-3] Ralf Ackermann, Holger Trapp:
Angriffe auf NIS-Systeme und Möglichkeiten einer kryptographischen Absicherung. In: 3. DFN-CERT Workshop "Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen", Hamburg, March 1996.
[WW96-1] Jörg Werner, Lars C. Wolf:
Scheduling Mechanisms Reducing Contention Situations in Multimedia Systems. In: European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services, Berlin, Germany, March 1996.
[GB96-1] Gerold Blakowski, Ralf Steinmetz:
A Media Synchronization Survey: Reference Model, Specification and Case Studies. In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1/96, p. 5--35, January 1996.
[Ste96-1] Ralf Steinmetz:
Human Perception of Jitter and Media Synchronization. In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1/96, p. 61--72, January 1996.
[CGG+96-1] Helmut Cossmann, Carsten Griwodz, Guido Grassel, Michael Pühlhöfer, Matthias Schreiber, Ralf Steinmetz, Hartmut Wittig, Lars Wolf:
Interoperable ITV Systems Based on MHEG. In: Proc. of Multimedia Communications and Networks (MMCN'96), January 1996.
[Wol96-1] Lars Christian Wolf:
Resource Management for Distributed Multimedia Systems. Kluwer; Boston, Dordrecht, London, December 1996.
[SN95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt:
Multimedia: Computing, Communication and Applications. Prentice-Hall, Inc., December 1995.
[OLHC95-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong, Dong Hae Chi:
Specification and Error Recognition of Multithreaded Parallel Program Executions on a Distributed and Shared-Memory Computing Environment. In: KISS Journal of Parallel Processing Systems, 2, p. 105-115, November 1995.
[FLE95-1] Stephan Fischer, Rainer Lienhart, Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Automatic recognition of film genres. In: Proceedings of Third ACM International Conference on Multimedia, p. 295--304, November 1995.
[CGG+95-1] Helmut Cossmann, Carsten Griwodz, Guido Grassel, Michael Pühlhöfer, Matthias Schreiber, Ralf Steinmetz, Hartmut Wittig, Lars Wolf:
GLASS: A Distributed MHEG-Based Multimedia System. In: Proc. of COST 237 Workshop, November 1995.
[RS95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Lars Wolf:
Evaluation of Media Synchronization and the respective CPU Scheduling Mechanisms for Multimedia Systems. In: eingeladener Beitrag zu "Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung 95", p. 1--10, Springer Verlag, LNCS, September 1995.
[DSW95-1] Luca Delgrossi, Sybille Schaller, Lars C. Wolf:
Relationships among Inter-Dependent Real-Time Streams. In: 12th International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC'95), Seoul, Korea, August 1995.
[OLH95-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong:
Parallel Debugging Techniques - A Review. May 1995.
[OCL95-1] Giwon On, Dong Hae Chi, Ki-Uk Lim:
Specification and Recognition of Execution Patterns on Multithreaded Parallel Programs. In: Proceedings of the 4th KISS Fall Conference, 2, p. 1407-1410, May 1995.
[GW95-1] Carsten Griwodz, Hartmut Wittig:
Intelligent Media Agents for Interactive Television Systems. In: IEEE ICMCS, Washington D.C., May 1995.
[LW95-1] Lars Wolf, Luca Delgrossi, Sibylle Schaller, Ralf Steinmetz, Hartmut Wittig:
Resource Reservation and Media Scaling Techniques for Multimedia Communications. In: 5th International Workshop on Networks and Operating System Support for digital Audio and Video, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, April 1995.
[WDS+95-1] Lars C. Wolf, Luca Delgrossi, Ralf Steinmetz, Sibylle Schaller, Hartmut Wittig:
Issues of Reserving Resources in Advance. In: Fifth International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, April 1995.
[NS95-1] Klara Nahrstedt, Ralf Steinmetz:
Resource Management in Networked Multimedia Systems. In: IEEE Computer, 4, April 1995.
[Ste95-1] Ralf Steinmetz:
A Multimedia File System Survey: Approaches for Continuous Media Disk Scheduling. In: Computer Communications, April 1995.
[FLE95-2] Stephan Fischer, Rainer Lienhart, Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Automatic Recognition of Film Genres (Demonstration).. In: Proceedings of Third ACM International Conference on Multimedia, p. 367--368, January 1995.
[WHD95-1] Lars C. Wolf, Ralf Guido Herrtwich, Luca Delgrossi:
Filtering Multimedia Data in Reservation-based Networks. In: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1995 (KiVS), Chemnitz-Zwickau, p. 101--112, Springer-Verlag, January 1995.
[VWH+95-1] Ronny Vogel, Hartmut Wittig, Ralf Guido Herrtwich Winfried Kalfa, Lars C. Wolf:
QoSFinder: Ein Verfahren zur Wegewahl für multimediale Ströme in Rechnernetzen. In: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, Chemnitz-Zwickau, 1995, p. 228--242, Springer-Verlag, January 1995.
[SH95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Ralf Guido Herrtwich:
A View at the Multimedia Work Items in Heidelberg. In: IEEE Newsletter of the Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing, 1, p. 7--9, January 1995.
[Ste95-2] Ralf Steinmetz:
Analyzing the Multimedia Operating System. In: IEEE Multimedia Magazine, 1, January 1995.
[SK95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Daniel Köhler:
Ein verteiltes Multimedia-Kiosksystem: Anforderungen, Architektur und Erfahrungen. In: Themenheft it+ti, January 1995.
[SBK95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Gerold Blakowski, Daniel Köhler:
Architektur und Implementierung eines verteilten Multimedia-Kiosksystems. In: it+ti, January 1995.
[AGRW95-1] Stephen D'Angelo, Steve Goldberg, Robert Relyea, Lars C. Wolf:
Multimedia Group Resource Allocation System. January 1995.
[DGR95-1] Ingo Dahm, Carsten Griwodz, Ralf Steinmetz:
Erläuterungen zu MHEG. In: 43.9501, December 1995.
[SW95-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Lars C. Wolf:
Evaluation of a CPU Scheduling Mechanism for Synchronized Multimedia Streams. In: MMB, December 1995.
[WW95] Jon Williamson, Lars C. Wolf:
Reducing Buffer Space Requirements for Multimedia Data Streams: Analysing the effects of staggering streams and preemption in buffer pools. In: 43.9504, December 1995.
[OCO94-1] Giwon On, Dong Hae Chi, Kil-Rok Oh:
Self-Organizing Optimal Process Mapping Strategy. In: Proceedings of the 2nd KIPS Fall Conference, 2, p. 239-242, October 1994.
[KW94-1] Thomas Käppner, Lars C. Wolf:
Media Scaling in Distributed Multimedia Object Services. In: 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures (IWACA), Heidelberg, Germany, p. 34--43, Springer-Verlag, September 1994.
[WWV94-1] Hartmut Wittig, Lars C. Wolf, Carsten Vogt:
CPU Utilization of Multimedia Processes: The Heidelberg Predictor of Execution Times (HeiPOET) Measurement Tool. In: 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures (IWACA), Heidelberg, Germany, p. 92--103, Springer-Verlag, September 1994.
[Ste94-4] Ralf Steinmetz:
Multimedia: Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures; Multimedia Communications and Teleservices: 2nd IWACA. In: 868, Springer-Verlag, September 1994.
[OLH94-1] Giwon On, Bum-Sik Lee, Chul-Hee Hong:
Strategies for Dynamic Load Balancing in Parallel Systems. July 1994.
[HMS94-1] Ralf Guido Herrtwich, Thomas Meyer, Ralf Steinmetz:
Patent Application: Intelligent Packet Relay in Distributed Multimedia Systems. In: IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, 7, p. 211--214, July 1994.
[WH94-1] Lars C. Wolf, Ralf Guido Herrtwich:
The System Architecture of the Heidelberg Transport System. In: ACM Operating System Review, April 1994.
[Ste94-2] Ralf Steinmetz:
Data Compression in Multimedia Computing: Standards and Systems. In: ACM Multimedia Systems, 5, p. 187--204, March 1994.
[Ste94-1] Ralf Steinmetz:
Data Compression in Multimedia Computing: Principles and Techniques. In: ACM Multimedia Systems, 4, p. 166--172, February 1994.
[Ste94-6] Ralf Steinmetz:
Multimedia Operating Systems: Resource Reservation, Scheduling, File Systems, and Architectures. In: 43.9402, January 1994.
[MW94-1] Marcus Wieland, Ralf Steinmetz, Peter Sander:
Remote Camera Control: Requirements Concepts and Implementations. In: 43.9405, January 1994.
[SW94-1] Ralf Steinmetz, Hartmut Wittig:
Challenges of Multimedia System Developments. In: VDE Conference, Munich, 129, p. 23--46, VDE-Verlag, January 1994.
[SS94-1] Peter Sander, Ralf Steinmetz:
A New Remote Camera Control User Interaction Technique, German patent P 42 33 137, 1992. In: Deutsche Patentschrift DE 42 33 137 C1, January 1994.
[WSS94-1] Marcus Wieland, Ralf Steinmetz, Peter Sander:
Remote Camera Control in a Distributed Multimedia System. In: Innovationen bei Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (24. GI-Jahrestagung), Hamburg, September, 1994, p. 174--181, Springer-Verlag, December 1994.