[DKSS03-2] |
Luka Divac-Krnic, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Austausch von Lernressourcen durch Peer-to-Peer Netzwerken mit Hilfe von Lokalen Ontologie-Basierten Repositorien. In: Delfi 2003, Die 1. eLearning Fachtagung Informatik, 16.-18. September in Garching, Proceedings, p. 120-128, September 2003. |
[ZHSS03-1] |
Michael Zink, Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video. In: Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, p. 249-254, September 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-7695-1996-2. |
[HLM+03-1] | David Hausheer, Nicolas Liebau, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz, Burkhard Stiller: Token-Based Accounting and Distributed Pricing to Introduce Market Mechanisms. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, p. 200--201, September 2003. |
[GPA+03-1] | Manuel Goertz, Alejandro Perez, Ralf Ackermann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Location Sensing using RADAR. In: TR-KOM-2003-09, September 2003. |
[HJSS03-1] |
Stefan Hoermann, Ronny John, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Evaluation von Datenbanken zur Speicherung von strukturierten Metadaten am Beispiel LOM. In: Proceedings der DeLFI 2003 - 1. Fachtagung "e-Learning" der Gesellschaft für Informatik, September 2003. |
[LDM03-1] | Nicolas Liebau, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Andreas Mauthe: Dezentrales, tokenbasiertes Accountingsystem für autonome, verteilte Systeme. August 2003. |
[HPSS03-2] |
Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: On Realistic Network Topologies. In: Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Workshop on Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research (SIGCOMM MoMeTools), p. 28-32, August 2003. |
[BA03-1] | Eva Brucherseifer, Ralf Ackermann: Design am Arbeitsplatz -- Den Unix-Desktop KDE besser nutzen. In: c't Magazin für Computertechnik, 18, p. 196--199, August 2003. |
[HPSS03-3] | Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Generating Realistic ISP-Level Network Topologies. In: IEEE Communications Letters, 7, p. 335-337, IEEE, July 2003. |
[SMK+03-1] |
C. Sydlo, K. Mutamba, L. Divac Krnic, B. Mottet, H.L. Hartnagel: Reliability studies on integrated GaAs power-sensor structures using pulsed electrical stress. In: Microelectronics Reliability, 43, p. 1929-1933, July 2003. |
[Ack03-1] | Ralf Ackermann: Gateways and Components for Supplementary IP Telephony Services in Heterogeneous Environments. July 2003. |
[PSKS03-1] |
Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways - Extended Version. In: TR-KOM-2003-06, July 2003. |
[HSDK+03-2] |
Stefan Hoermann, Cornelia Seeberg, Luka Divac-Krnic, Oliver Merkel, Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz: Building Structures of Reusable Educational Content Based on LOM. In: Proceedings of The 15th Conference On Advanced Information Systems Engineering workshop on Semantic Web for Web-based Learning, June 2003. |
[DKSS03-1] |
Luka Divac-Krnic, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Sharing and Search for Learning Materials by Semantically Enriched Peer-to-Peer Networks. In: Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2003, p. abstract on page 36, (full paper on CD), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), June 2003, ISBN ISBN 380094-48-7. |
[PGG+03-1] | Thomas Plagemann, Vera Goebel, Carsten Griwodz, Pal Halverson, Laurent Mathy, Nicholas Race, Michael Zink: Towards Scalable and Affordable Content Distribution Services. In: IEEE Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, p. 307-314, June 2003. |
[OSS03-2] |
Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Quality of Availability: Replica Placement for Widely Distributed Systems. In: IWQoS 2003, p. 325--342, June 2003. |
[ZKSS03-1] |
Michael Zink, Oliver Künzel, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos. In: Eleventh International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), Monterey, CA, USA, Springer Verlag, June 2003. |
[MH03-1] |
Andreas Mauthe, David Hutchison: Peer-to-Peer Computing: Systems, Concepts and Characteristics. In: Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung & Kommunikation (PIK), K. G. Sauer Verlag, Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer, 03/03, June 2003. |
[HSDK+03-1] | Stefan Hoermann, Cornelia Seeberg, Luka Divac-Krnic, Oliver Merkel, Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz: Representation of Knowledge as Support for Authors of Reusable Educational Content. May 2003. |
[DKMF+03-1] |
Luka Divac-Krnic, Oliver Merkel, Andreas Faatz, Stefan Hoermann, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Prozess der Lernplattformauswahl in k-Med. In: TR-KOM-2003-04, May 2003. |
[HSGS03-1] |
Stefan Hoermann, Stefan Schneider, Ulrich Glowalla, Ralf Steinmetz: Erstellung von SCORM-kompatiblen Kursen im Projekt k-MED. In: Rechnergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin, p. 103--113, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, April 2003. |
[OSS03-1] |
Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: QoS-Controlled Dynamic Replication in Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 2, p. 96--101, April 2003. |
[RLSS03-1] | Ivica Rimac, Wolfram Liese, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Equation-Based Approach to TCP-Compatible Multicast Congestion Control for Layered Transmission in Low-Multiplexing Environments. In: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference ({IPCCC 2003}), IEEE, April 2003. |
[FSS03-1] | Andreas Faatz, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Ein Begriffsnetz für ein medizinisches Online-Lernprojekt. In: Proceedings des LEARNTEC ’03 – WORKSHOPS "Aufbau und Einsatz von Begriffsnetzen zur semantischen Suche von Wissensmaterialien", p. 7-11, March 2003. |
[MKFS03-1] | Mayerl, C., Krutz K., Abeck, S., Ateyeh, K., Klein, M., König-Ries, B., Mülle, J., Faatz, A., Seeberg, C., Steinmetz, R., Schuster, F., Luba, T.: Workshop Proceedings. In: LEARNTEC WORKSHOP: Aufbau und Einsatz von Begriffsnetzen zur semantischen Suche von Wissensmaterialien, Institut für Telematik, TU Karlsruhe, March 2003. |
[BDH+03-1] | Bob Briscoe, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Oliver Heckmann, Oliver Huw, Vasilios Siris, Burkhard Stiller, David Songhurst: A Market Managed Multi-Service Internet. In: Computer Communications, 4, p. 405-415, March 2003. |
[SZ03-1] | Susanne Strahringer, Frank Zdarsky: IT-Integration bei strategischen Unternehmensbeteiligungen - Technologische Optionen und Vorgehensweisen. p. 523--554, Schäffer-Poeschel, February 2003, ISBN ISBN 3-7910-1988-0. |
[SZTS03-1] |
Jens Schmitt, Michael Zink, Steffen Theiss, Ralf Steinmetz: A Reflective Server Design to Speedup TCP-friendly Media Transmissions at Start-Up. In: Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2003 (KiVS'03), Leipzig, Germany, p. 69--80, Springer Informatik Aktuell, February 2003, ISBN ISBN 3-540-00365-7. |
[AKS03-1] | Marc Alexa, Tobias Klug, Carsten Stoll: Direction Fields over Point-Sampled Geometry. In: Journal of Winter Scholl of Computer Graphics 2003, p. 27--32, January 2003. |
[GBS+03-1] | Stefan Göbel: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment.TIDSE 2003. Darmstadt, Germany, December 2003. Proceedings. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, January 2003, ISBN 3-8167-6276-X. |
[GC03-1] | Christian Goebel: Interaktive Simulation eines Edutainment-Konzepts für Museen mittels aktueller 3D-Rendertechnik. January 2003. |
[GS03-1] | Stefan Göbel: GeoLibrary: Metaphor-Based Information and Navigation Space to Access Geodata Archives. In: I-Know 2003. Proceedings, p. 121-127, January 2003. |
[SaS03-2] | Sebastian Sauer and Stefan Göbel: Focus Your Young Visitors: -Kids Innovation- Fundamental Changes in Digital Edutainment. In: Museums and the Web 2003. Proceedings., p. 131-141, January 2003. |
[SaS03-1] | Sebastian Sauer and Stefan Göbel: Dinohunter : Game Based Learn Experience in Museums. In: ICHIM Paris 2003. Proceedings. CD-ROM, p. 25, January 2003. |
[HaS03-1] | Anja Hoffmann and Stefan Göbel: Designing Collaborative Group Experience for Museums with Telebuddy. In: Museums and the Web 2003: Online Proceedings, p. 18, January 2003. |
[Gaa+03-1] | : Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Proceedings : TIDSE 2003. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, January 2003. |
[MT03-1] | Christian Müller-Tomfelde: Sounds@Work - Akustische Repräsentationen für die Mensch-Computer Interaktion in kooperativen und hybriden Arbeitsumgebungen. January 2003. |
[Ren03-2] | Christoph Rensing: Hacker-Kontest. In: Projektveranstaltungen in Mathematik, Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften, p. 55 -- 60, Universitäts Verlag Webler, January 2003. |
[DKS03-1] |
Vasilios Darlagiannis, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Burst Shaping Queueing. In: Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (WMC), p. 65--70, SCS, January 2003, ISBN ISBN 1-56555-261-X. |
[SS03-6] |
Ralf Steinmetz, Cornelia Seeberg: Meta-information for Multimedia eLearning. In: Computer Science in Perspective - Essays dedicated to Thomas Ottmann, p. 293 - 303, Springer-Verlag, January 2003. |
[Zin03-1] |
Michael Zink: P2P Streaming using Hierarchically Layer Encoded Video. In: TR-2003-01, January 2003. |
[ZGSS03-1] |
Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Scalable TCP-friendly Video Distribution for Heterogeneous Clients. In: Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2003 (MMCN'03), Santa Clara, USA, p. 102--113, SPIE, January 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-8194-4819-2. |
[WH02-1] | Richard Wagner, Jan Hansen: Bundesweite Kooperation. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 99, December 2002. |
[HB02-1] |
Oliver Heckmann, Axel Bock: The eDonkey 2000 Protocol. In: KOM-TR-08-2002, December 2002. |
[HPSS02-1] |
Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: How to use Topology Generators to create realistic Topologies. In: TR-KOM-2002-07, December 2002. |
[Roe02-1] | Utz Roedig: Firewall-Architekturen für Multimedia-Applikationen. November 2002. |
[HSS02-3] |
Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Peer-to-Peer Tauschbörsen: Eine Protokollübersicht. In: TR-KOM-2002-06, November 2002. |
[RHKS02-1] | Christoph Rensing, Hasan, Martin Karsten, Burkhard Stiller: AAA: A Survey and a Policy-Based Architecture and Framework. In: IEEE Network, 6, p. 22--27, November 2002. |
[HS02-4] |
Stefan Hoermann, Ralf Steinmetz: Kurse erstellen mit Learning Object Metadata. In: TR-2002-05, November 2002. |
[OSS02-1] |
Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: On Availability QoS for Replicated Multimedia Service and Content. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems 2002 (IDMS-PROMS02), Coimbra, Portugal, p. 313-326, Springer LNCS 2515, November 2002. |
[Sch02-2] |
Jens Schmitt: On the Allocation of Network Service Curves for Bandwidth/Delay-Decoupled Scheduling Disciplines. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2002 (GLOBECOM 2002), Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE, November 2002. |
[See02-3] | Cornelia Seeberg: Life Long Learning - Modulare Wissensbasen für elektronische Lernumgebungen. Springer-Verlag, October 2002. |
[HSS02-2] |
Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10) Monterey, USA, p. 1--25, October 2002. |
[KS02-7] |
Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt: Market-Based Resource Allocation for Packet-Switched Networks. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10), Monterey, USA, p. 52--62, October 2002. |
[SRM02-1] | Markus Schumacher, Utz Roedig, Marie Luise Moschgath: Hacker Contest. Sicherheitsprobleme, Lösungen, Beispiele. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2002, ISBN ISBN 3-540-41164-X. |
[RSS02-1] |
Ivica Rimac, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Is Dynamic Multi-Rate Multicast Worthwhile the Effort?. In: Proceedings of the 28th {IEEE} EUROMICRO Conference 2002 (Multimedia and Telecommunications Track), Dortmund, Germany, p. 233--239, IEEE, September 2002, ISBN ISBN 0-7695-1787-0. |
[FSS02-1] |
Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz: Statistical Profiles of Words for Ontology Enrichment. In: Proceedings of SMPS 2002, Springer, September 2002. |
[MGKS02-1] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Using a Multi-Layer Approach to tackle the Service Interaction Problem in Telephony Scenarios. In: Proceedings of EuroMicro 2002, September 2002. |
[SSFS02-1] |
Cornelia Seeberg, Achim Steinacker, Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz: Metadaten aus Autorensicht - ein Erfahrungsbericht über ein webbasiertes Multimedia-Lernsystem am Beispiel k-MED. In: Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), 4/2002, p. 217-222, August 2002. |
[KS02-8] |
Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt: Market-Based Resource Allocation in Packet-Switched Networks. In: TR-KOM-2002-04, August 2002. |
[FS02-1] |
Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz: Ontology Enrichment with Texts from the WWW. In: Proceedings of ECML-Semantic Web Mining 2002, Helsinki, Finland, August 2002. |
[Mos02-1] |
Marie-Luise Moschgath: Kontextabhängige Zugriffskontrolle für Anwendungen in Ubiquitous Computing. July 2002. |
[See02-1] | Cornelia Seeberg: Zukunftsfähig durch Lernmodule. In: Management und Krankenhaus, 07/2002, July 2002. |
[KS02-6] | Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt: Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Last in einem Kommunikationsnetz, Deutsche Patentanmeldung 102 36 108.8. July 2002. |
[PSS02-1] |
Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Aggregation of Heterogeneous Real-Time Flows with Statistical Guarantees. In: Procceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'02), San Diego, USA, p. 57--64, SCS, July 2002, ISBN ISBN 1-56555-252-0. |
[SZTS02-1] |
Jens Schmitt, Michael Zink, Steffen Theiss, Ralf Steinmetz: Improving the Start-Up Behaviour of TCP-Friendly Media Transmissions. In: Proceedings of the International Network Conference (INC'02), Plymouth, UK, p. 73--80, July 2002, ISBN ISBN 1-84102-105-9. |
[SHKS02-1] |
Jens Schmitt, Oliver Heckmann, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Decoupling Different Time Scales of Network QoS Systems. In: Computer Communications (Special Issue on Advances in Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Networking), 11-12, p. 1047--1057, July 2002, ISSN ISSN 0140-3664. |
[MSS02-1] |
Oliver Merkel, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: Choosing an Online Learning Platform focusing on Reusability of Learning Objects and its Implications for Comparison Schemata Design. In: Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), June 2002. |
[SPP02-1] |
Sumeet Sandhu, Krishna Pandit, Arogyaswami Paulraj: On Non-Linear Space-Time Block Codes. In: Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, USA, p. 2417 -- 2420, May 2002. |
[KS02-5] |
Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt: Admission Control based on Packet Marking and Feedback Signalling Mechanisms, Implementation and Experiments. In: TR-KOM-2002-03, May 2002. |
[SSA+02-1] |
Martin Steinebach, Frank Siebenhaar, Christian Neubauer, Ralf Ackermann, Utz Roedig, Jana Dittmann: Intrusion Detection Systems for IP Telephony Networks. In: REAL TIME INTRUSION DETECTION (LA DETECTION DES INTRUSIONS EN TEMPS REEL) - a Symposium organised by the INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (Estoril, Portugal 27-28 May 2002), May 2002. |
[HSS02-1] |
Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Robust Bandwidth Allocation Strategies. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Quality of Service 2002 (IWQoS'02), Miami, USA, p. 138--147, IEEE, May 2002, ISBN ISBN 0-7803-7426-6. |
[Rei02-1] | Rolf Reinema: Co-operative Workplaces on the Future. April 2002. |
[See02-2] |
Cornelia Seeberg: Modulare Wissensbasis in k-Med. In: Reader zum Workshop Standardisierung im eLearning, April 2002. |
[MZ02-1] |
Michael Zink, Oliver Künzel, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos. In: 4, April 2002. |
[HS02-3] | Stefan Hoermann, Ralf Steinmetz: k-MED: Kurse gestalten und adaptieren mit rhetorisch-didaktischen Relationen. In: Rechnergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin, J. Bernauer and M. R. Fischer and F. J. Leven and F. Puppe and M. Weber, April 2002. |
[ZSS02-1] | Michael Zink, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Retransmission Scheduling in Layered Video Caches. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications 2002 (ICC 2002), New York, USA, p. 2474--2478, IEEE, April 2002, ISBN ISBN 0-7803-7400-2. |
[CV02-1] | Claus Vielhauer, Michael Haisch, Ralf Steinmetz: Schlüsselmanagement in biometrischen Systemen - Sicherung von Referenzdaten auf mobilen Computern am Beispiel der Handschriftverifikation. In: Enterprise Security, Klagenfurt, p. 284--295, March 2002. |
[HK02-1] | Holger Kirchner, Wolfgang Schönfeld, Ralf Steinmetz: Verfahren zur Diensterkennung und Dienstinformationsbereitstellung im Vergleich. In: ITG Fachtagung Neue Kommunikationsanwendungen in modernen Netzen, Duisburg, p. 19-27, March 2002. |
[SM02-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Max Mühlhäuser: Rechnernetze; Informatik-Handbuch; Kapitel 6. Hanser Verlag, March 2002. |
[HDK+02-1] | Oliver Heckmann, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz, Bob Briscoe: Tariff Distribution Protocol (TDP). IETF, March 2002. |
[RKS02-1] | Christoph Rensing, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Darstellung der Sicherheitsattribute von Kommunikationsbeziehungen mittels UML. In: Enterprise Security, p. 132--143, IT Verlag, March 2002. |
[HS02-1] | Matthias Hollick, Ralf Steinmetz: Security for Ad-Hoc Service Information - Threat Analysis of the Service Location Protocol. In: Enterprise Security, p. 163--176, it Verlag für Informationstechnik GmbH, Höhenkirchen, March 2002, ISBN ISBN 3-936052-03-4. |
[Sch02-1] |
Jens Schmitt: Optimal Network Service Curves under Bandwidth-Delay Decoupling. In: IEE Electronics Letters, 6, p. 297--299, March 2002, ISSN ISSN 0013-5194. |
[CHO+02-1] | T. Conzelmann, A. Haidvogel, S. Offenbartl, R. Steinmetz, K.D. Wolf: Online-Tutorium Internationale Zivilgesellschaft: Erweiterte Medienkompetenzen der Lehrenden durch externen Telemedia-Support. In: Online Tutorien - Beiträge zum Spezialkongress "Distance Learning" der AG-F im Rahmen der LEARNTEC 2002, p. 77--89, Ulrich Bernath, February 2002. |
[MHS02-1] |
Oliver Merkel, Stefan Hoermann, Ralf Steinmetz: kmed: Ein wissensbasiertes multimediales Lernsystem für die Medizin. In: Tagungsband 1: Learntec 2002, 10. Europäischer Kongress und Fachmesse für Bildungs- und Informationstechnologie, p. 443--449, Uwe Beck and Winfried Sommer, February 2002. |
[SWKS02-1] |
Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: VC Management for Heterogeneous QoS Multicast Transmissions. In: Telecommunication Systems, 2, p. 227--247, Kluwer, February 2002, ISSN ISSN 1018-4864. |
[See02-4] | Cornelia Seeberg: Modulare Wissensbasen zur Erzeugung adaptiver und kohärenter Lehrdokumente. January 2002. |
[RT02-1] | Thorsten Rasel: Entwicklung von Methoden und Konzepten für den Aufbau einer 3D-Geodatenbibliothek. January 2002. |
[GaaU02-1] | Stefan Göbel et al.: GeoCrystal: Graphic-Interactive Access to Geodata Archives. In: Visualization and Data Analysis 2002. Proceedings, p. 391-402, January 2002. |
[GaU02-1] | Stefan Göbel and Uwe Jasnoch: InGeo Information Center: Personalisierter Zugang zu Geodaten-Archiven. In: Environmental Communication in the Information Society, p. Band 2, January 2002. |
[Gaa+02-3] | Stefan Göbel et al.: INVISIP: Establishment of a Context Repository to Support the Site Planning Process. In: Integrated Assessment and Decision Support 2002. Proceedings Vol. 3, p. 336-341, January 2002. |
[Gaa+02-2] | Stefan Göbel et al.: INVISIP: Metadata- based Information Visualization Techniques to Access Geodata Archives and to Support the Site Planning Process. In: 3rd CODATA Euro- American Workshop on Information Visualization Presentation and Design. Proceedings 2002, January 2002. |
[Gaa+02-1] | Stefan Göbel, Jörg Haist, Harald Reiterer and Frank Müller: INVISIP: Usage of Information Visualization Techniques to Access Geospatial Data Archives. In: Database and Expert Systems Applications. Proceedings 2002, p. 371-380, January 2002. |
[GaP02-1] | Stefan Göbel and Peter Klein: Ranking Mechanisms in Metadata Information Systems for Geospatial Data. In: EOGEO 2002. Proceedings, p. 13, January 2002. |
[Göb02-1] | Stefan Göbel: Intelligente graphisch-interaktive Benutzerführung zu Geodaten Archiven. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, January 2002. |
[ZGH02-1] | Birgit Zimmermann, Melanie Gnasa, Karin Harbusch: Modeling A Corporate Information System to improve Knowledge Management. In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimedia Data Document Engineering (MDDE'02), p. 435--449, Springer, Heidelberg, January 2002. |
[Ste02-1] | Achim Steinacker: Medienbausteine für web-basierte Lernsysteme. January 2002. |
[SN02-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt: Multimedia Fundamentals Volume 1. Prentice Hall, January 2002. |
[DSWA02-1] |
Jana Dittmann, Martin Steinebach, Petra Wohlmacher, Ralf Ackermann: Digital Watermarks Enabling E-Commerce Strategies: Conditional and User Specific Access to Services and Resources. In: Eurasip 2002, January 2002. |