[WLS14-1] |
Olga Wenge, Ulrich Lampe, Ralf Steinmetz: QoS- and Security-Aware Composition of Cloud Collaborations. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014) , p. 578-583, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, April 2014, ISBN 978-989-758-019-2. |
[HWHG14-1] |
Katrin Hoffmann, Josef Wiemeyer, Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel: Personalized adaptive control of training load in exergames from a sport-scientific perspective (accepted for publication). In: Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports, p. 129-140, Springer International Publishing, April 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-05972-3. |
[WGGS14-1] |
Viktor Wendel, Michael Gutjahr, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Instructor Support in Collaborative Multiplayer Serious Games for Learning - Game Mastering in the Serious Game ’Woodment’. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, p. 49-56, SciTePress, April 2014, ISBN 978-989-758-022-2. |
[SHZS14-1] |
Dieter Schuller, Ronny Hans, Sebastian Zöller, Ralf Steinmetz: On Optimizing Collaborative Manufacturing Processes in Virtual Factories. In: International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA), Workshop on ICT Services and Interoperability for Manufacturing, p. 66-74, March 2014. |
[Sa14-1] |
G. Fettweis, H. Boche, T. Wiegand, E. Zielinski, H. Schotten, P. Merz, S. Hirche, A. Festag, W. Häffner, M. Meyer, E. Steinbach, R. Kraemer, R. Steinmetz, F. Hofmann, P. Eisert, R. Scholl, F. Ellinger, E. Weiß, I. Riedel: VDE-Positionspapier Taktiles Internet. March 2014. |
[Eng14-1] |
Frank Englert: Participatory Sensing Based Optimization of Environmental Parameters Using the Example of Energy Saving in Residential Environments. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, p. 174 - 175, IEEE, March 2014, ISBN ???. |
[DRE+14-1] |
Irina Diaconita, Andreas Reinhardt, Frank Englert, Delphine Christin, Ralf Steinmetz: Do You Hear What I Hear? Using Acoustic Probing to Detect Smartphone Locations. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), p. 1-9, March 2014. |
[ZHS+14-1] |
Sebastian Zöller, Ronny Hans, Dieter Schuller, Ulrich Lampe, Ralf Steinmetz: Integrating Smart Objects as Data Basis in Virtual Enterprise Collaborations. In: Enterprise Interoperability VI -- Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations, p. 297-305, Springer, March 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-04947-2. |
[FEDR14-1] | Alejandro Fernandez, Mojisola Erdt, Ivan Dackiewicz, Christoph Rensing: Recommendations from Heterogeneous Sources in a Technology Enhanced Learning Ecosystem. In: Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning: Research Trends & Applications, p. 251-265, Springer, March 2014, ISBN 978-1-4939-0529-4. |
[jansen14sniperattack] | R. Jansen, F. Tschorsch, A. Johnson, Björn Scheuermann: The Sniper Attack: Anonymously Deanonymizing and Disabling the Tor Network. In: NDSS '14: 21st Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, , , p. , ISOC, February 2014, ISBN , ISSN . |
[RGS14-1] | Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: A Collection of Collaborative Player Interaction Patterns. February 2014. |
[Ste14-1] |
Ralf Steinmetz: Fachgebiet Multimedia Kommunikation (KOM), TU Darmstadt. In: PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 4, p. 249-250, February 2014, ISSN 0930-5157. |
[LWMS14-1] | Ulrich Lampe, Olga Wenge, Alexander Müller, Ralf Schaarschmidt: Security Risks in Cloud Adoption – A Study in the Financial Industry. In: efl quarterly, 1, p. 6-8, February 2014, ISSN 1866-1238. |
[HSH+14-1] | P. Hoenisch, D. Schuller, C. Hochreiner, S. Schulte, S. Dustdar: Elastic Process Optimization - The Service Instance Placement Problem. January 2014. |
[SHH+14-1] |
S. Schulte, P. Hoenisch, C. Hochreiner, S. Dustdar, M. Klusch, D. Schuller: Towards Process Support for Cloud Manufacturing. In: 18th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2014), p. 142-149, January 2014. |
[PMS+14-1] |
Apostolos Papageorgiou, Andre Miede, Stefan Schulte, Dieter Schuller, Ralf Steinmetz: Decision Support for Web Service Adaptation. In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, p. 197–213, January 2014, ISSN 1574-1192. |
[KDHG14-1] |
Martin Knöll, Tim Dutz, Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel: Urban Exergames – how architects and serious gaming researchers collaborate on digital games that make you move [accepted for publication]. In: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare 1, p. 191-207, Springer, January 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-54816-1. |
[HRG+14-1] |
Sandro Hardy, Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz, Gisa Baller, Elke Kalbe, Abdelkarim El Moussaoui, Sven Abels, Susanne Dienst, Mareike Dornhöfer, Madjid Fathi: NeuroCare – Personalization and Adaptation of Digital Training Programs for Mild Cognitive Impairments. In: AAL-Kongress 2014, Tagungsband, VDE-Verlag, January 2014. |
[2014a] | M. A. Beck, S. A. Henningsen, S. B. Birnbach, J. B. Schmitt: Towards a Statistical Network Calculus– Dealing with Uncertainty in Arrivals. In: The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), , , p. , , 2014, ISBN , ISSN . |
[2014a5] | S. Dietzel, J. Gürtler, R.W. van der Heijden, F. Kargl: Redundancy-based Statistical Analysis for Insider Attack Detection in VANET Aggregation Schemes. In: IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), , , p. , IEEE, 2014, ISBN , ISSN . |
[2014a3] | S. Dietzel, R.W. van der Heijden, H. Decke, F. Kargl: A flexible, subjective logic-based framework for misbehavior detection in V2V networks. In: IEEE 15th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), , , p. , IEEE, 2014, ISBN , ISSN . |
[Dietzel2014a] | S. Dietzel, J. Petit, F. Kargl, Björn Scheuermann: In-Network Aggregation for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In: , IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 4, p. 1909-1932, , 2014, ISBN , ISSN . |
[SSH+13-1] |
Stefan Schulte, Dieter Schuller, Phillipp Hoenisch, Ulrich Lampe, Schahram Dustdar, Ralf Steinmetz: Cost-Driven Optimization of Cloud Resource Allocation for Elastic Processes. In: International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2, p. 1-15, December 2013. |
[KDHG13-1] |
Martin Knöll, Tim Dutz, Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel: Active Design - How the built environment matters to mobile games for health. In: Context Matters - Exploring and Reframing Games in Context - Proceedings of the Vienna Conference 2013, p. 181-193, New Academic Press, December 2013, ISBN 978-3-7003-1864-4. |
[DMM+13-1] | Tim Dutz, Martin Majewski, Stefanie Müller, Andreas Braun, Johannes Konert, Felix Kamieth, Henrik Rieß, Antonija Mrsic Carl, Denise Bender, Verena Brückner, Peter Klein, Reiner Wichert, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: inDAgo – ein Mobilitätsunterstützungssystem für Senioren auf dem Weg in die Praxis (accepted for publication). December 2013. |
[GBS13-1] |
Christian Gottron, Sonja Bergsträßer, Ralf Steinmetz: Robust Overlay Routing in Structured, Location Aware Mobile Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, p. 155-167, Springer International Publishing, December 2013, ISBN 978-3-319-11569-6. |
[BLR13-2] |
Daniel Burgstahler, Ulrich Lampe, Nils Richerzhagen and Ralf Steinmetz: Push vs. Pull: An Energy Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 2013 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2013), p. 190-193, IEEE Computer Society, December 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-2701-2. |
[DDR13-1] |
Rahul Dwarakanath, Juan Diego Naranjo, Azad Ravanshid: Modelling of Interference Maps for Licensed Shared Access in LTE-Advanced Networks Supporting Carrier Aggregation. In: 2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD), p. 1-6, November 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0543-0. |
[EDR+13-1] |
Frank Englert, Irina Diaconita, Andreas Reinhardt, Alaa Alhamoud, Ralf Steinmetz: Reduce the Number of Sensors: Sensing Acoustic Emissions to Estimate Appliance Energy Usage. In: 5th ACM Workshop On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings, p. 1-8, ACM, November 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2431-1. |
[GH13-1] |
Guibing Guo, Mojisola Helen Erdt, Bu Sung Lee: A Hybrid Recommender System based on Material Concepts with Difficulty Levels. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, p. 90-96, November 2013. |
[tschorsch13privacypreservingstats] | F. Tschorsch, Björn Scheuermann: An algorithm for privacy-preserving distributed user statistics. In: , Computer Networks, , p. , Elsevier, October 2013, ISBN 1389-1286, ISSN . |
[RAZ13-1] |
Tobias Rückelt, Mouhamad Alhumaidi, Abdelhak M. Zoubir: Realization of a Transverse Feedback System for SIS18/100 Using FPGA. In: Proceedings of the IBIC 2013, International Beam Instrumentation Conference, p. 128-131, October 2013, ISBN 978-3-95450-127-4128. |
[BD13-1] | Andreas Braun, Tim Dutz: AmbiTrack - Marker-free Indoor Localization and Tracking of Multiple Users in Smart Environments with a Camera-based Approach. In: Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking, p. 83-93, Springer, October 2013. |
[DKHG13-1] |
Tim Dutz, Martin Knöll, Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel: Calm Gaming: How Mobile Devices Could Change the Face of Serious Gaming. In: i-com, 2, p. 25-31, October 2013, ISSN (Online) 2196-6826, (Print) 1618-162X. |
[HGS13-1] |
Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Adaptable and Personalized Game-based Training System for Fall Prevention (Technical Demo Paper). In: MM '13 Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia , p. 431-432 , October 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2404-5. |
[LHS13-2] |
Ulrich Lampe, Ronny Hans, Ralf Steinmetz: Data Center Selection for QoS-Aware Service Provision. In: efl quarterly, 4, p. 4-5, October 2013, ISSN 1866-1238. |
[HNS13-1] |
Zixia Huang, Klara Nahrstedt, Ralf Steinmetz: Evolution of temporal multimedia synchronization principles: A historical viewpoint. In: ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP) - Special Sections on the 20th Anniversary of ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Best Papers of ACM Multimedia 2012, 34, p. 23, October 2013. |
[WGB+13-1] |
Viktor Wendel, Michael Gutjahr, Philipp Battenberg, Roman Ness, Sebastian Fahnenschreiber, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Designing A Collaborative Serious Game For Team Building Using Minecraft. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Game-based Learning, p. 569-578, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-909507-63-0. |
[SGN+13-1] |
Dominik Stingl, Christian Gross, Leonhard Nobach, Ralf Steinmetz, David Hausheer: BlockTree: Location-Aware Decentralized Monitoring in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), p. 505-513, IEEE Computer Society, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0537-9. |
[REC13-1] |
Andreas Reinhardt, Frank Englert, Delphine Christin: Enhancing User Privacy by Preprocessing Distributed Smart Meter Data. In: The Third IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, The Third IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, p. 1-7, IEEE, October 2013, ISBN 978-3-901882-56-2. |
[ZWKS13-1] |
Sebastian Zöller, Markus Wachtel, Fabian Knapp, Ralf Steinmetz: Going All the Way – Detecting and Transmitting Events with Wireless Sensor Networks in Logistics. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE LCN International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (IEEE SenseApp 2013), p. 39-47, EDAS Conference Services, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0539-3. |
[ZVW+13-1] |
Sebastian Zöller, Christian Vollmer, Markus Wachtel, Ralf Steinmetz, Andreas Reinhardt: Data Filtering for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Forecasting and Value of Information. In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), p. 441-449, EDAS Conference Services, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0536-2. |
[GSK+13-1] |
Christian Groß, Dominik Stingl, Fabian Kaup, Björn Richerzhagen, David Hausheer, Ralf Steinmetz: EnerSim.KOM: An Energy Consumption Model for Overlay Network Simulators. In: Local Computer Networks Conference (LCN), p. 376-379, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0537-9. |
[RMGS13-1] |
Christian Reuter, Florian Mehm, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Evaluation of Adaptive Serious Games using Playtraces and Aggregated Play Data. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, p. 504-511, Academic Conferences Limited, October 2013, ISBN 978-1-909507-63-0. |
[SLE+13-1] | Dieter Schuller, Ulrich Lampe, Julian Eckert, Ralf Steinmetz, Stefan Schulte: Optimizing complex Service-based Workflows for Stochastic QoS Parameters. In: Journal of Web Services Research, 4, p. 1-38, October 2013. |
[Han13-1] |
Ronny Hans: Selecting Cloud Data Centers for QoS-Aware Multimedia Applications. In: Proceedings of the PhD Symposium at the 2nd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, p. 11-16, University Halle-Wittenberg, September 2013. |
[Wen13-4] |
Olga Wenge: Application of Stable Marriage Algorithms and Cooperative Game Theory to the Building of Cloud Collaborations.. In: Proceedings of the PhD Symposium at the 2nd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2013), p. 5-11, September 2013. |
[MEGR13-1] |
Markus Migenda, Mojisola Erdt, Michael Gutjahr, Christoph Rensing: Semantische Graph-basierte Empfehlungen zur Unterstützung des Ressourcen-basierten Lernens. In: Proceedings der Pre-Conference Workshops der 11. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - DeLFI 2013, p. 67-68, Logos Verlag, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-8325-3470-7. |
[KGS13-4] |
Johannes Konert, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Social Serious Games Framework. In: Mensch & Computer 2013 – Workshopband, p. 255-260, Oldenbourg Verlag, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-486-77855-7. |
[DRT13-1] |
Irina Diaconita, Christoph Rensing, Stephan Tittel: Context-aware Question and Answering for Community-based Learning. In: DeLFI 2013 Die 11. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), p. 239-244, Köllen, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-88579-612-1. |
[EJS13-1] |
Mojisola Erdt, Florian Jomrich, Katja Schüler, Christoph Rensing: Investigating Crowdsourcing as an Evaluation Method for TEL Recommenders. In: Proceedings of ECTEL meets ECSCW 2013, the Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning, p. 25-29, CEUR Workshop Proceeding Series, September 2013, ISBN ISSN 1613-007. |
[RSF13-1] |
Christoph Rensing, Simon Schwantzer, Nils Faltin: Integration selbstgesteuerten Ressourcen-basierten Lernens in eine durch Instruktion geprägte Lernumgebung. In: Proceedings der Pre-Conference Workshops der 11. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - DeLFI 2013, p. 69-70, Logos Verlag, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-8325-3470-7. |
[GRS+13-2] |
Christian Groß, Björn Richerzhagen, Dominik Stingl, Christoph Münker, David Hausheer, Ralf Steinmetz: Geodemlia: Persistent Storage and Reliable Search for Peer-to-Peer Location-Based Services. In: International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), p. 1-2, IEEE Press, September 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0521-8. |
[GRS+13-1] |
Christian Groß, Björn Richerzhagen, Dominik Stingl, Jan Weber, David Hausheer, Ralf Steinmetz: GeoSwarm: A Multi-Source Download Scheme for Peer-to-Peer Location-based Services. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, p. 1-9, IEEE, September 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0521-8. |
[LKM+13-2] |
Ulrich Lampe, Markus Kieselmann, André Miede, Sebastian Zöller, Ralf Steinmetz: A Tale of Millis and Nanos: Time Measurements in Virtual and Physical Machines. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2013), p. 172-179, Springer-Verlag, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-40650-8. |
[SMRS13-1] |
Sebastian Schmidt, Simon Manschitz, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz: Extraction of Address Data from Unstructured Text using Free Knowledge Resources. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, 2013, 7, ACM, September 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2300-0. |
[KGS13-3] |
Johannes Konert, Nico Gerwien, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Bringing Game Achievements and Community Achievements Together. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), p. 319-328, Academic Bookshop, September 2013, ISBN 9781909507630. |
[KGS13-2] |
Johannes Konert, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Player and Learner Models: Independency of Bartle, Kolb and BFI-K (Big5). In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), p. 329-335, Academic Bookshop, September 2013, ISBN 9781909507630. |
[KBGS13-1] |
Johannes Konert, Dmitrij Burlak, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: GroupAL: ein Algorithmus zur Formation und Qualitätsbewertung von Lergruppen in E-Learning-Szenarien mittels n-dimensionaler Gütekriterien. In: Proceedings der Deutschen E-Learning Fachtagung (DeLFI), p. 71-82, Köllen, September 2013, ISBN 9783885796121. |
[Han13-2] |
Jan Hansen: Urheberrecht in der Hochschullehre. p. 10, epubli GmbH, August 2013, ISBN 9783844265941. |
[Ren13-2] |
Christoph Rensing: Standards für Lehr- und Lerntechnologien - Metadaten, Inhaltsformate und Beschreibung von Lernprozessen. In: Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2. Aufl., p. 109-116, ePubli, August 2013, ISBN 9783844265941. |
[CFNR13-1] |
Jon Crowcroft, Markus Fidler, Klara Nahrstedt, Ralf Steinmetz: Is SDN the De-constraining Constraint of the Future Internet?. In: Dagstuhl Seminar, Dagstuhl Reports, 3, p. 75--99, August 2013, ISSN 2192-5283. |
[BMR13-1] | : Proceedings der Pre-Conference Workshops der 11. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - DeLFI 2013. Logos, August 2013, ISBN 978-3-8325-3470-7. |
[RT13-1] |
Christoph Rensing, Stephan Tittel: Situiertes mobiles Lernen – Potenziale, Herausforderungen und Beispiele. In: Mobile Learning - Potenziale, Einsatzszenarien und Perspektiven des Lernens mit mobilen Endgeräten, p. 121-142, Springer VS, August 2013, ISBN 978-3-531-19483-7. |
[HZA+13-1] |
Ronny Hans, Sebastian Zöller, Sven Abels, André Miede, Ralf Steinmetz: Enabling Collaboration in Virtual Manufacturing Enterprises with Cloud Computing. In: Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Association for Information Systems (AIS), August 2013. |
[LWMS13-1] |
Ulrich Lampe, Olga Wenge, Alexander Müller, Ralf Schaarschmidt: On the Relevance of Security Risks for Cloud Adoption in the Financial Industry. In: Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Association for Information Systems (AIS), August 2013, ISBN 978-1-62993-394-8. |
[MDK+13-1] |
Alexander Marinc, Tim Dutz, Felix Kamieth, Maxim Djakow, Pia Weiss: Creating Rule Sets for Smart Environments through Behavior Recording. In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life - 7th International Conference, UAHCI 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, p. 138-143, Springer, July 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39193-4. |
[SGD+13-1] |
Carsten Stocklöw, Andrej Grguric, Tim Dutz, Tjark Vandommele, Arjan Kuijper: Resource Management for Multimodal and Multilingual Adaptation of User Interfaces in Ambient Assisted Living Environments. In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life - 7th International Conference, UAHCI 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, p. 97-106, Springer, July 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39193-4. |
[SRZ+13-1] |
Dominik Stingl, Björn Richerzhagen, Fabio Zöllner, Christian Groß, Ralf Steinmetz: PeerfactSim.KOM: Take it Back to the Streets. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2013), p. 80-86, IEEE, July 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0837-0. |
[WGGS13-1] |
Viktor Wendel, Michael Gutjahr, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Designing Collaborative Multiplayer Serious Games. In: Education and Information Technologies, 18, p. 287-308, June 2013, ISSN 1360-2357. |
[SGK13-1] |
Dominik Stingl, Christian Groß, and Karsten Saller: Decentralized Monitoring in Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems, p. 81-113, Springer, June 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38672-5. |
[LGT13-1] |
Max Lehn, Christian Groß, Tonio Triebel: Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: 7847, p. 143-167, Springer, June 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38672-5. |
[GRL13-1] |
Christian Groß, Björn Richerzhagen, Max Lehn: Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems. p. 49-67, Springer, June 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38672-5. |
[HLS13-1] |
Ronny Hans, Ulrich Lampe, Ralf Steinmetz: QoS-Aware, Cost-Efficient Selection of Cloud Data Centers. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2013), p. 946-947, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), June 2013, ISBN 978-0-7685-5028-2. |
[HZL+13-1] |
Ronny Hans, Manuel Zahn, Ulrich Lampe, Apostolos Papageorgiou, Ralf Steinmetz: Energy-efficient Web Service Invocation on Mobile Devices: The Influence of Compression and Parsing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2013), p. 1-6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), June 2013, ISBN 978-0-7695-5029-9. |
[LHS13-1] |
Ulrich Lampe, Ronny Hans, Ralf Steinmetz: Will Mobile Cloud Gaming Work? Findings on Latency, Energy, and Cost. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2013), p. 960-961, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), June 2013, ISBN 978-0-7695-5029-9. |
[LKM+13-1] |
Ulrich Lampe, Markus Kieselmann, André Miede, Sebastian Zöller, Ralf Steinmetz: On the Accuracy of Time Measurements in Virtual Machines. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2013), p. 103-104, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), June 2013, ISBN 978-0-7685-5028-2. |
[RB13-1] |
Andreas Reinhardt, Daniel Burgstahler: Exploiting Platform Heterogeneity in Wireless Sensor Networks by Shifting Resource-Intensive Tasks to Dedicated Processing Nodes. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), p. 1-9, IEEE Press, June 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5826-2. |
[RS13-1] |
Björn Richerzhagen, Ralf Steinmetz: Towards an Adaptive Publish/Subscribe Approach Supporting Transitions. In: Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet - Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security (AIMS), p. 84--87, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, June 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38997-9. |
[HDZ+13-1] |
Ronny Hans, David Dahlen, Sebastian Zöller, Dieter Schuller, Ulrich Lampe: Enabling Virtual Manufacturing Enterprises with Cloud Computing – An Analysis of Criteria for the Selection of Database as a Service Offers. In: Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems, p. 427-438, Springer, June 2013, ISBN 978-3-319-00556-0. |
[MFW+13-1] | Paul Müller, Tino Fleuren, Adam Wolisz, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Joachim Götze, Ralf Steinmetz, Apostolos Papageorgiou, Ulrich Lampe, Martina Zitterbart, Erwin Rathgeb, Jürgen Totzke, Karl Klug: Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Übermittlung und Adaption von Daten, Computerprogramm, Softwareprodukt und Digitales Speichermedium. May 2013. |
[BDK13-1] |
Andreas Braun, Tim Dutz, Felix Kamieth: Capacitive Sensor-Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Ambient Intelligence Scenarios. In: PETRA '13 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 5, ACM, May 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-1973-7. |
[WAGS13-2] | Viktor Wendel, Sebastian Ahlfeld, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: Rule-based Automatic Adaptation of Collaborative Multiplayer Serious Games - Supporting Instructors in Game-based Learning Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-supported Education, p. 536-547, SciTePress, May 2013, ISBN 978-989-8565-53-2. |
[Lam13-1] | Ulrich Lampe: Monetary Efficiency in Infrastructure Clouds – Solution Strategies for Workload Distribution and Auction-based Capacity Allocation. Verlag Dr. Hut, May 2013, ISBN 978-3-8439-1101-6. |
[SEOS13-1] |
Anselmo Stelzer, Frank Englert, Andreas Oetting, Ralf Steinmetz: Information Exchange for Connection Dispatching. In: 21st International Symposium EURO - Zel 2013, p. 222–230, May 2013, ISBN 978-80-263-0380-0. |
[Got13-1] |
Christian Gottron: Security in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Architectures – Introducing Mechanisms to Increase the Robustness of Overlay Routing Algorithms of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Architectures. May 2013. |
[ESK+13-1] |
Frank Englert, Till Schmitt, Sebastian Kössler, Andreas Reinhardt, Ralf Steinmetz: How to Autoconfigure Your Smart Home? High Resolution Power Measurements to the Rescue.. p. 215-224, ACM, May 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2052-8. |
[Ren13-1] |
Christoph Rensing: MOOCs – Bedeutung von Massive Open Online Courses für die Hochschullehre. In: PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 2, p. 141-145, May 2013, ISSN 0930-5157. |
[Reu13-1] |
Christian Reuter: Authoring Multiplayer Serious Games. In: 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, p. 490-492, May 2013. |
[LWH+13-1] |
Ulrich Lampe, Qiong Wu, Ronny Hans, André Miede, Ralf Steinmetz: To Frag Or To Be Fragged - An Empirical Assessment of Latency in Cloud Gaming. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013), p. 5-12, SciTe Press, May 2013, ISBN 978-989-8565-52-5. |
[FSGS13-1] |
Sebastian Fiebig, Melanie Siebenhaar, Christian Gottron, Ralf Steinmetz: Detecting VM Live Migration Using a Hybrid External Approach. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013), p. 483-488, SciTe Press, May 2013, ISBN 978-898-8565-52-5. |
[SWH+13-1] |
Melanie Siebenhaar, Olga Wenge, Ronny Hans, Hasan Tercan, Ralf Steinmetz: Verifying the Availability of Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013), p. 489-494, SciTe Press, May 2013, ISBN 978-898-8565-52-5. |
[MGS13-1] | Florian Mehm, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz: An Authoring Tool for Educational Adventure Games: Concept, Game Models and Authoring Processes. In: International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 1, p. 63-79, May 2013, ISSN 2155-6849. |
[GM13-1] | Stefan Göbel, Florian Mehm: Personalized, Adaptive Digital Educational Games using Narrative Game-based Learning Objects (in press). In: Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare, IGI Global, May 2013, ISBN 9781466636736. |
[MRG13-1] | Florian Mehm, Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel: Authoring of Serious Games for Education. In: Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare, IGI Global, May 2013, ISBN 9781466636736. |
[Dom13-1] |
Renato Domínguez García: Unterstützung des ressourcen-basierten Lernens in Online Communities - Automatische Erstellung von Grosstaxonomien in verschiedene Sprachen. April 2013. |
[tschorsch13anontransport-per] | F. Tschorsch, Björn Scheuermann: How (not) to Build a Transport Layer for Anonymity Overlays. In: , ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 4, p. , ACM, March 2013, ISBN , ISSN . |
[citemaster_9755] | N. Aschenbruck, F. Kargl, Björn Scheuermann: Context-adaptive Networking for Ad-hoc Networks. In: 7th Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN), , , p. , , March 2013, ISBN , ISSN . |
[ESS13-1] | Wolfgang Effelsberg, Ralf Steinmetz, Thorsten Strufe (Eds.): Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems. Springer, March 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38673-2. |
[KWRG13-1] |
Johannes Konert, Viktor Wendel, Kristina Richter, Stefan Göbel: Collaborative Learning and Game Mastering in Multiplayer Games. In: Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare, p. 85-104, IGI Global, March 2013, ISBN 9781466636736. |