[ROS05-1] | Christoph Rensing, Susanne Offenbartl, Ralf Steinmetz: Die Technische Universität Darmstadt als Dual-Mode-Universität. In: Education, Research an New Media Chances and Challenges for Science - 10. Tagung der IuK-Initiative der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften vom 11.-14. März 2004 in Darmstadt, p. 147--151, Czwalina Verlag, January 2005. |
[HLD+05-1] | Oliver Heckmann, Nicolas Liebau, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Axel Bock, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Information and Knowledge Environments: Essays Dedicated to Erich J. Neuhold on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. p. 69--78, Springer-Verlag GmbH, January 2005. |
[citemaster_9586] | Björn Scheuermann, H. Fü\$\beta\$ler, M. Transier, M. Busse, M. Mauve, W. Effelsberg: Huginn: A 3DVisualizer for Wireless ns-2 Traces. In: MSWiM '05 Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, , , p. , ACM, December 2005, ISBN 1-59593-188-0, ISSN . |
[citemaster_9587] | C. Lochert, Björn Scheuermann, M. Caliskan, A. Barthels, A. Cervantes, M. Mauve: Multiple simulator interlinking environment for IVC. In: 2nd ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, , , p. , ACM, December 2005, ISBN 1-59593-141-4, ISSN . |
[citemaster_9598] | Björn Scheuermann, H. Fußler, M. Transier, M. Mauve, W. Effelsberg: Visualizing Wireless ns-2 Traces in 3D. In: 11th Annual ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Demo Session, , , p. , , December 2005, ISBN , ISSN . |
[ibach05cero] | P. Ibach, N. Milanovic, J. Richling, V. Stantchev, A. Wiesner, M. Malek: CERO: CE RObots Community. In: , IEE Proceedings Software, Special Issue on Embedded Systems, , p. , , December 2005, ISBN 1462-5970, ISSN . |
[ibach05towards] | P. Ibach, M. Horbank: Towards a Global Spatial Data Infrastructure using Web Services. In: 8th International Conference on the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, , , p. , , December 2005, ISBN , ISSN . |
[milic-hicss] | B. Milic, N. Milanovic, M. Malek: Prediction of Partitioning in Location-aware Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (Minitrack on Quality of Service in Mobile and Wireless Networks), , , p. , , December 2005, ISBN 0-7695-2268-8, ISSN . |
[Hec04-1] | Oliver Heckmann: A System-oriented Approach to Efficiency and Quality of Service for Internet Service Providers. December 2004. |
[Hol04-1] | Matthias Hollick: Dependable Routing for Cellular and Ad hoc Networks. December 2004. |
[SBM04-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Rainer Berbner, Ivan Martinovic: Web Services zur Unterstützung flexibler Geschäftsprozesse in der Finanzwirtschaft. In: Industrialisierung der Finanzwirtschaft, Z. Sokolovsky, S. Löschenkohl (Hrsg.), December 2004. |
[BKSS02-1] | Nicole Berier, Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: A Modular Approach to Mobile QoS Signalling - Motivation, Design & Implementation. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications (Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia and Communications and m-Commerce), y, Kluwer, December 2004. |
[FGSS04-1] |
Andreas Faatz, Jochen Geise, Achim Steinacker, Ralf Steinmetz: Abbildung von Produktkatalogen. In: KOM-TR-2004-09, November 2004. |
[PSKS04-1] |
Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Claus Kirchner, Ralf Steinmetz: Optimal Allocation of Service Curves by Exploiting Properties of the Min-plus Convolution. In: TR-KOM-2004-08, November 2004. |
[Rim04-6] | Ivica Rimac: End-to-End Mechanisms for Rate-Adaptive Multicast Streaming over the Internet. November 2004. |
[Faa04-1] | Andreas Faatz: Ein Verfahren zur Anreicherung fachgebiesspezifischer Ontologien durch Begriffsvorschläge. November 2004. |
[BMS04-3] |
Rainer Berbner, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Eine Web Service basierte Workflow Architektur. In: 07/2004, November 2004. |
[GAS04-2] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Ralf Steinmetz: The Digital Call Assistant: Determine Optimal Time Slots for Calls. In: Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS 2004), November 2004. |
[BHMS04-2] |
Hannes Birck, Oliver Heckmann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: The Two-Step Overlay Network Simulation Approach. In: Proceedings of SoftCOM, Split, Croatia, p. 165--169, October 2004. |
[DMLS04-2] |
Vasilios Darlagiannis, Andreas Mauthe, Nicolas Liebau, Ralf Steinmetz: Distributed Maintenance of Mutable Information for Virtual Environments. In: Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications - HAVE'04, p. 87--92, October 2004. |
[GASS04-1] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Johannes Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Context-aware Communication Services: A Framework for Building Enhanced IP Telephony Services. In: International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2004, p. 272--279, October 2004. |
[MGA+04-1] | Ivan Martinovic, Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Trust and Context: Two Complementary Concepts for Creating Spontaneous Collaborative Networks and Intelligent Applications. In: Proceedings of SoftCOM’04, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Croatia/Italy, October 2004. |
[HF04-1] | Jan Hansen, Peggy Förster: Blockade oder Unterstützung? Zum Verhältnis von Standards und IPR. In: Informatik verbindet, Köllen, Bonn, September 2004, ISBN 3-88579-379-2. |
[HSS04-2] | Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Optimizing Interconnection Policies. In: Computer Networks, Special Issue on Internet Economics, 1, p. 19-39, September 2004. |
[RK04-1] | Christoph Rensing, Horst G. Klein: EuroCom online - interaktive Online-Lernmodule zum Erwerb rezeptiver Sprachkenntnisse in den romanischen Sprachen. In: Campus 2004 - Kommen die digitalen Medien an den Hochschulen in die Jahre, p. 235--244, Waxmann, September 2004. |
[ORS04-1] | Susanne Offenbartl, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz: Die Technische Universität Darmstadt auf dem Weg zur Dual Mode TUD. In: E-Learning-Strategien und E-Learning Kompetenzen an Hochschulen, p. 231--242, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, September 2004. |
[ZM04-1] | Michael Zink, Andreas Mauthe: P2P Streaming using Multiple Description Coded Video. In: Proceedings of EuroMicro 2004, p. 240--247, September 2004. |
[WS04-1] | Klaus Wehrle, Ralf Steinmetz: Peer-to-Peer-Systeme und -Anwendungen. In: eGov Präsenz, 2, p. 38--39, September 2004. |
[HBMS04-1] |
Oliver Heckmann, Axel Bock, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: The eDonkey File-Sharing Network. In: Workshop on Algorithms and Protocols for Efficient Peer-to-Peer Applications, Informatik 2004, September 2004. |
[GAS04-1] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Ralf Steinmetz: Enhanced SIP Communication Services by Context Sharing. In: 30th EUROMICRO Conference, September 2004. |
[HITI04-1] | Matthias Hollick, Ivan Martinovic, Tronje Krop, Ivica Rimac: A Survey on Dependable Routing in Sensor Networks, Ad hoc Networks, and Cellular Networks. In: Proceedings of the 30th {IEEE} EUROMICRO Conference 2004, p. 495--502, September 2004. |
[BMS04-1] | Rainer Berbner, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Unterstützung dynamischer E-Finance-Geschaeftsprozesse. In: Konferenz Elektronische Geschaeftsprozesse, p. 44--54, September 2004. |
[DMS04-1] | Vasilios Darlagiannis, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Overlay Design Mechanisms for Heterogeneous, Large Scale, Dynamic P2P Systems. In: Journal of Network and Systems Management, Special Issue on Distributed Management, 3, p. 371--395, Kluwer Academic Publishers, September 2004. |
[malek04universitäten] | M. Malek, P. Ibach: Universitäten als Kristallisationskern in Innovationsnetzwerken, Wissenstransfer auf den Spuren von Humboldt und Schumpeter. In: , Humboldt-Spektrum, , p. , Humboldt-Universität, August 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[HS04-2] | Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt: Patent Application: Verfahren und System zur Zugangskontrolle für einen Datenstrom zu einem klassenbasierten paketvermittelnden Netzwerk (Method and System for the Admission Control of a Data Flow for a Class Based Packet Switched Network). August 2004. |
[SVHa04-1] | Sascha Schimke, Claus Vielhauer, Jan Hansen, al: Cross Cultural Aspects of Biometrics. In: in Workshop Proceedings Biometrics: Challenges arising from Theory and Practice, Universität Magdeburg , August 2004, ISBN 3-929757-3. |
[RRH04-3] | Ivica Rimac, José Rey, Rolf Hakenberg, Ralf Bauer, Akito Fukui: Deterministic Feedback Collection for {3GPP} {MBMS}, European Patent Application 04020655.9. August 2004. |
[RS04-1] | Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz: Multimedia- und Hypermedia Einsatz in Sprachlernprogrammen am Beispiel EuroCom Online. In: Mehrsprachigkeit und ihre Didaktik - Multimedialer Perspektiven für Europa, Bausteine EuropasX, p. 3--12, Asgard Verlag, July 2004, ISBN ISBN 3-537-86503-1. |
[HS04-1] | Oliver Heckmann, Ralf Steinmetz: On the Elasticity of Traffic Matrices and the Impact on Capacity Expansion. In: Proceedings of Networks 2004, p. 223-230, June 2004. |
[On04-1] | Giwon On: Quality of Availability for Widely Distributed and Replicated Content Stores. June 2004. |
[HSSS04-2] | Matthias Hollick, Jens Schmitt, Christian Seipl, Ralf Steinmetz: On the Effect of Node Misbehavior in Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC'04, Paris, France, p. 3759--3763, IEEE, June 2004. |
[BHMS04-1] |
Hannes Birck, Oliver Heckmann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Analysis of Overlay Networks at Message- and Packet-Level. In: KOM-TR-2004-03, June 2004. |
[PKSS04-1] |
Krishna Pandit, Claus Kirchner, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Optimization of the Min-plus Convolution Computation under Network Calculus Constraints. In: TR-KOM-2004-04, June 2004. |
[PSS04-1] |
Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Network Calculus Meets Queueing Theory - A Simulation Based Approach to Bounded Queues. In: 2004 Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'04), Montreal, Canada, p. 114--118, June 2004. |
[DMLS04-1] |
Vasilios Darlagiannis, Andreas Mauthe, Nicolas Liebau, Ralf Steinmetz: An Adaptable, Role-based Simulator for P2P Networks. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, p. 52--59, June 2004. |
[RRH04-5] | Ivica Rimac, José Rey, Rolf Hakenberg: Adaptive and Scalable {QoS} Architecture for Multi-Bearer Multicast/Broadcast Services, European Patent Application 04014494.1. June 2004. |
[RRH04-4] | Ivica Rimac, José Rey, Rolf Hakenberg: Adaptive and Scalable QoS Architecture for Single-Bearer Multicast/Broadcast Services, European Patent Application 04014513.8. June 2004. |
[MS04-1] | Meehae Song, Thomas Elias, Ivan Martinovic, Wolfgang Mueller-Wittig, Tony K.Y. Chan: Digital Heritage Application as an Edutainment Tool. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2004), Singapore, June 2004. |
[HMK+04-1] | Matthias Hollick, Parag Mogre, Tronje Krop, Jens B. Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth: Routingverfahren für Nachrichten verschiedener Klassen. May 2004. |
[HKS+03-3] | Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, Ralf Steinmetz: Modeling Mobility and Workload for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In: Computer Communications, 8, p. 751--761, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, May 2004, ISSN ISSN 0140-3664. |
[salfner04comprehensive] | F. Salfner, S. Tschirpke, M. Malek: Comprehensive Logfiles for Autonomic Systems. In: International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, , , p. , IEEE Computer Society, April 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[RWKS04-1] | Irina Reuter, Susanne Wolf, Susanne Köbler, Ralf Steinmetz: Telemediales Lernen: Erweiterung der Präsenzlehre durch orts- und zeitunabhängige Elemente. In: Didaktik der Notebook Universität, p. 47--62, Waxmann, Editors: Michael Kerres and Marco Kalz and Jörg Stratmann and Claudia de Witt, April 2004. |
[SN04-2] | Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt: Multimedia Applications. Springer, April 2004. |
[SN04-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt: Multimedia Systems. Springer, April 2004. |
[Rim04-5] | Ivica Rimac: Adaptive and Scalable {QoS} Architecture for Multi-Bearer Multicast/Broadcast Services. April 2004. |
[Rim04-4] | Ivica Rimac: Adaptive and Scalable {QoS} Architecture for Single-Bearer Multicast/Broadcast Services. April 2004. |
[Rim04-2] | Ivica Rimac: Deterministic Feedback Collection for {3GPP} {MBMS} Services. April 2004. |
[RRH04-2] | Ivica Rimac, José Rey, Rolf Hakenberg, Ralf Bauer: Feedback Control for Multicast or Broadcast Services, European Patent Application 04018707.2. April 2004. |
[Rim04-1] | Ivica Rimac: Adaptive {RTCP} Feedback for {3GPP} {MBMS} Services. April 2004. |
[RRH04-1] | Ivica Rimac, José Rey, Rolf Hakenberg: Delivery Mechanism for Static Media Objects, U.S. Patent Application 10/817,965, German Utility Model 20-2004-005445.0. April 2004. |
[ATS04-1] |
Ralf Ackermann, Helma Toepper, Ralf Steinmetz: No longer a life on a leash. In: Workshop on Natural Interaction, April 2004. |
[citemaster_9747] | G. Fischer, B. Dietrich, F. Winkler: Bluetooth Indoor Localization System. In: 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2004 (WPNC), , , p. , Shaker-Verlag, March 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[SHOR04-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Stefan Hoermann, Susanne Offenbartl, Christoph Rensing: Die interaktive Vorlesung mit neuen Technologien. In: Grundfragen Multimedialen Lehrens und Lernens - 2. Workshop GML2 2004, p. 97 -- 107, March 2004, ISBN ISBN 3-8334-1537-8. |
[HFSS04-1] | Stefan Hoermann, Andreas Faatz, Cornelia Seeberg, Ralf Steinmetz: ResourceCenter: Eine digitale Bibliothek für Lernressourcen mit Open Source Lizenz. In: Rechnergestützte Lehr und Lernsysteme in der Medizin, p. 113--124, March 2004. |
[SW04-1] | Ralf Steinmetz, Klaus Wehrle: Peer-to-Peer-Networking and -Computing. In: Informatik Spektrum, 1, p. 51--54, February 2004. |
[HSSS04-1] | Matthias Hollick, Jens B. Schmitt, Christian Seipl, Ralf Steinmetz: The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol: An Analytical Model of the Route Acquisition Process. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, WWIC 2004, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, p. 201-212, Springer-Verlag Berlin/heidelberg/New York, February 2004, ISBN ISBN 3-540-20954-9. |
[Kol04SUI] |
Boris Koldehofe: Simple gossiping with balls and bins. In: Studia Informatica Universalis, 1, p. 43–60, January 2004. |
[Vie04-1] | Claus Vielhauer: Handwriting Biometrics for User Authentication: Security Advances in Context of Digitizer Characteristics. January 2004. |
[Ste04-1] | Martin Steinebach: Digitale Wasserzeichen für Audiodaten. January 2004. |
[KA04-1] | Tobias Klug, Marc Alexa: Bounding Volumes for Linearly Interpolated Shapes. In: Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2004, p. 134--139, January 2004. |
[Gaa+04-2] | Stefan Göbel et al.: Virtual Human: Storytelling and Computer Graphics for a Virtual Human Platform. In: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, p. 79-88, January 2004. |
[SaaC04-1] | Oliver Schneider, Stefan Göbel and Christian Meyer zu Ermgassen: Media Art Environment Geist: Integrating Traditional Painting into 3D AR Storytelling Scenario. In: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, p. 164-170, January 2004. |
[HaaS04-1] | Daniel Holweg, Oliver Schneider and Stefan Göbel: GEIST - Geschichte vor Ort erleben. In: Konferenzband EVA 2004 Berlin. Proceedings, January 2004. |
[Saa+04-1] | Sebastian Sauer, Kerstin Osswald, Stefan Göbel, Axel Feix, Rene Zumack and Anja Hoffmann: Edutainment Environments. A Field Report on DinoHunter: Technologies, Methods and Evaluation Results. In: Museums and the Web 2004. Proceedings, p. 165-172, January 2004. |
[FaaR04-1] | Axel Feix, Stefan Göbel and Rene Zumack: DinoHunter: Platform for Mobile Edutainment Applications in Museums. In: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, p. 264-269, January 2004. |
[BaaS04-1] | Josef Behringer, Udo Engbring-Romang and Stefan Göbel: Antiziganism and Persecution of the Sinti and Roma from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century. In: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, p. 297-302, January 2004. |
[Gaa+04-1] | Stefan Göbel: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment : TIDSE 2004. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, January 2004. |
[LDMS04-1] |
Nicolas Liebau, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: A Token-based Accounting Scheme for P2P-Systems. In: TR-2004-05, p. 9, January 2004. |
[ZHSS04-1] |
Michael Zink, Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video. In: Proceedings of the MMCN 2004, January 2004. |
[citemaster_9593] | Björn Scheuermann: Dreidimensionale Visualisierung von Simulationsdaten Mobiler Ad-Hoc-Netzwerke. In: , , , p. , , December 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[citemaster_9588] | Björn Scheuermann, A. Lindenblatt, D. Lindenblatt, B. Guthier: Trau, SCHAU, wem? - V-IDS oder eine andere Sicht der Dinge. In: 1st Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware {\&} Vulnerability Assessment, , , p. , , December 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[malek04entrepreneurship] | M. Malek, P. Ibach: Entrepreneurship - Prinzipien, Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle zur Unternehmensgründung im Informationszeitalter. In: , , , p. , dpunkt.verlag, December 2004, ISBN 3-89864-168-6, ISSN . |
[ibach04magic] | P. Ibach, T. Hübner, M. Schweigert: MagicMap - Kooperative Positionsbestimmung über WLAN. In: Online Proceedings, , , p. , , December 2004, ISBN , ISSN . |
[Sch03-1] | Markus Schumacher: Security engineering with patterns. December 2003. |
[Rep03-1] | Nicolas Repp: mobileISM - Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur benutzerunterstützenden Verwaltung von Diensten auf mobilen Endgeräten. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 6, p. 658--661, Vieweg Verlag, December 2003. |
[Ren03-1] | Christoph Rensing: Eine policybasierte Zugriffskontrollarchitektur für das Multi Service Internet. December 2003. |
[SHHS03-1] | Jens Schmitt, Paul Hurley, Matthias Hollick, Ralf Steinmetz: Per-flow Guarantees under Class-Based Priority Queueing. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2003 (GLOBECOM'03), San Francisco, CA, USA, p. 4169--4175, December 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-7803-7974-8. |
[GAMS03-2] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: A Prototype Setup for Location-aware Personal Communication Services. In: Evolute Workshop 2003, November 2003. |
[HPSS03-1] |
Oliver Heckmann, Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: KOM ScenGen - The Swiss Army Knife For Simulation And Emulation Experiments. In: Proceedings of The International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS 2003), November 2003. |
[GAMS03-1] |
Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz: Using Context Information to Avoid Service Interactions in IP Telephony. In: Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS) 2003, November 2003. |
[RSS03-1] |
Ivica Rimac, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: Observations on Equation-based Estimation of TCP-compatible Rate for Multi-rate Multicast Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems ({MIPS} 2003), November 2003. |
[ARS03-1] | Ralf Ackermann, Utz Roedig, Ralf Steinmetz: Patent Application: Verfahren zum Aufbauen einer Datenverbindung zwischen einer ersten und einer zweiten Recheneinheit und Vorrichtung zum Austauschen von Daten, Patent Nr. 10040463. October 2003. |
[HOR03-1] | Elisabeth Heinemann, Erich Ortner, Nicolas Repp: mobileISM - Ein Framework zu adaptiven Unterstützung der Nutzung mobiler Dienste. In: Tagungsband 11. GI-Workshop "Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen (ABIS 2003), October 2003. |
[MS03-2] | Meehae Song, Thomas Elias, Ivan Martinovic, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, Tony K.Y. Chan: User-Centred Virtual Avatars in Real-time. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2003), Montreal, Canada, October 2003. |
[HSS03-2] |
Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: On Interconnection Models and Strategies. In: Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-6), October 2003. |
[PSKS03-2] |
Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz: Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways. In: 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, p. 279--286, October 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-7695-2039-1. |
[HKS+03-2] | Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, Ralf Steinmetz: Comparative Analysis of Quality of Service Routing in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2003, Bonn/Köenigswinter, Germany, p. 470--479, October 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-7695-2037-5. |
[HKS+03-1] | Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, Ralf Steinmetz: A Hybrid Workload Model for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In: Proceedings of 49th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall 2003, Orlando, FL, USA, p. 1989--1993, October 2003, ISBN ISBN 0-7803-7954-3. |
[Zin03-2] | Michael Zink: Scalable Internet Video-on-Demand Systems. September 2003. |
[OSS03-3] |
Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz: The Effectiveness of Realistic Replication Strategies on Quality of Availability for Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'03), p. 57-64, IEEE, September 2003. |